Specializing In: Stream/Wetland Delineations & Permitting, Stream/Wetland Mitigation & Restoration, Endangered Species Surveys and Agency Consultation, NEPA & SEPA Environmental Assessment

Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. (MMI) is an environmental consulting firm specializing in streams, wetlands, protected species, and related ecological regulatory issues. With offices in Charlotte and Raleigh, we provide consulting services throughout the Carolinas and Mid-Atlantic region for landowners, developers, project engineers and site planners, state & local governments and land trusts. MMI principal scientists Rich Mogensen and Gerald Pottern each have 30+ years of experience in stream and wetland jurisdictional determinations, Section 404/401 permit applications, and negotiations with regulatory agencies. We help solve environmental permitting and mitigation requirements in the most cost-effective and efficient manner, avoiding the need for compensatory mitigation payments whenever possible. We also provide feasibility studies for private entrepreneurial mitigation bank projects. We evaluate habitat for Federal and State listed endangered and threatened species, and manage Section 7 consultation with US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service, if needed.
In addition, to MMI’s environmental consulting services, we have a NC General Contractors license and perform small stream bank repairs, rain garden installations, and residential stormwater projects. We treat invasive species and noxious weeds/vines in parks, open land and backyards. Let us help plan your project and solve your environmental regulatory or stormwater issues and stream repairs.
Let us help you solve your environmental regulatory or stormwater issues and stream repairs.
Rich Mogensen, President, PWS

• Delineations
• Permitting
• Restoration
• Site Identification
• Land Acquisition
• Conceptual Design
• Construction Management
• Monitoring & Maintenance
• Long Term Land Stewardship
• Credit Sales
• Field Surveys
• Section 7 Clearances
• Biological Opinion Reports
• Mitigation
• Contractor’s Representative
• Environmental & Construction Inspection
• Staff Biologist
• NPDES Compliance
• Owner’s Representative
• EA’s & EIS’s