My Daughter's Wedding aka "The Capetown Capers"
On his way to his daughter’s wedding, Rich Mogensen recounts his stops along the trip, the people he met, and the wedding itself – and adds notes and photographs of his experiences in Cape Town and a little about the geology and the history of the area, particularly in relation to apartheid. Take a ride with him on the trip he calls “The Cape Town Capers”.
ISBN:978-1-961813-92-2 (trade paperback)
Price $14.95 plus $5 for shipping.
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From Cody's Story
I want to tell you about my son, Cody, how he loved getting down on the floor and wrestling with Maggie, his golden retriever. How a gang of thugs caved in his skull with a hammer when he was 18, changing the trajectory of his life. How his addiction devastated our family. How his death doesn't define his life. Let me tell you about my son. He was a bright light until that light was extinguished by addiction.
Cost is $25 shipped. Profits from this book will go to the Charlotte Rescue Mission – Men’s Rebound Program.
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About The Author
Professionally, Richard K Mogensen has spent 35 years protecting our environment. Personally, he has spent the best times of his life enjoying the outdoors with his children Nikki and Cody. Born and raised in West Hartford, Conn., Rich lives in Concord, NC., and is owner and operator of Mogensen Mitigation Inc. As an environmental consultant, he helps companies preserve and restore our natural resources. After losing his son, Cody, to opioid addiction in 2021, he is moving on to the next phase of his career, writing fiction and non-fiction books. This is his first book.